Texas District
Men's conference 2019
Thursday Evening
Bro. Tim Szumanski - "Time for a War Cry"
Bro. Tim Gaddy - "The Man I Want To Be"
Bro. Tim Szumanski - "Time for a War Cry"
Bro. Tim Gaddy - "The Man I Want To Be"
Friday Morning
Bro. Tim Gaddy - "Let's All Stand"
Bro. Tim Gaddy - "Let's All Stand"
Bro. Joel McCoy - "The Man That Will Stand"
Friday Evening
Bro. Kevin Borders - "An Army Rising Up"
Bro. Kevin Borders - "An Army Rising Up"
Saturday Morning
Bro. Kevin Borders - "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
Bro. Kevin Borders - "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"